Yes, you are able to bulk tag from search, filter, view, and 24-hour thread results.
In CloudNine Analyst, you can bulk tag in Chronological Item List, Sort By - 24hr Thread, and Thread Group (24-hour thread group with chat bubbles).
Chronological Item List
The Chronological Item List is located on the Project Metadata page. To access this page, in the Project Dashboard select review from the top menu options or Review Project Metadata from the fly-out menu on the right.
Bulk Tagging Chronological Item List Results
- On the Project Metadata page, use the Filters options on the left to perform a filter or search. Results of the search are returned in the Chronological Item List. The screenshot below shows a search for the term "community" that returned 74 records.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page the BULK TAG/UNTAG RESULTS option is available.
To quickly scroll to the BULK TAG / UNTAG RESULTS button, click the bulk tag option on the top right corner.
- Click BULK TAG / UNTAG RESULTS to launch the Bulk Tag / Untag feature.
- On this screen, you can choose to TAG ITEMS or UNTAG ITEMS. Multiple tags may be applied at the same time. After selecting the Tag(s), click EXECUTE.
- A message box appears indicating the request to tag and the number of items queued.
- Click CLOSE WINDOW and return to the Project Metadata page.
- When tagging completes a message appears at the top of the Chronological Items List indicating the tags have been applied to the query result.
SORT BY: 24hr Thread (Chronological)
You are able to bulk tag 24-Hour and Master threads from the Chronological Item List when you enable the SORT BY - 24HR Thread (Chronological) option. This allows you to quickly tag items in threads without having to go inside each thread and bulk tag.
When SORT BY - 24hr Thread (Chronological) is selected and the filter/search is applied only one item per responsive thread is displayed in the Chronological Item List. Click the view icon to launch the full thread view of that item.
For illustration purposes in this article, a Control Number filter is applied with the 24hr Thread sort enabled.
- In Project Metadata, use the Filters option on the left to enable your filter/search criteria. Once your Filter is set, select 24hr Thread (Chronological) from the SORT BY menu then click APPLY.
- Your filter/search results are returned in the Chronological Item List and sorted by 24hr Threads. Only one item per responsive thread is returned.
- Select the BULK TAG/UNTAG RESULTS option at the bottom of the page. The Bulk Tag/Untag feature appears. At the top, there are two options for tagging:
- APPLY TO ALL ITEMS WITHIN 24HR THREADS IN THE CURRENT RESULTS: Tags only items within 24hr threads.
- A message appears about the action/request submitted, CLOSE WINDOW to return to the Chronological Item List.
- Once the tagging is complete, a message should appear under the Chronological Item List.
To Bulk Tag the entire conversation, repeat the above steps and choose the APPLY TO ALL ITEMS WITHIN MASTER THREADS IN THE CURRENT RESULTS option in the Bulk Tag/Untag Items feature. Note: This option will take longer since it is tagging entire conversations.
Verify the results
- Return to the Project Metadata page. If there is an active Filter, select RESET. The Chronological Item List, changes to Awaiting Filter Criteria.
- In the Filters section, select TAG then TAG LIST to open the Filter Options: Tag. Select a tag you used when tagging the 24hr thread, then click SUBMIT. The tag is selected for filtering.
- Now click APPLY. The Chronological Item List returns the results of the entire bulk tagging for 24hr or Master threads.
Bulk-tag 24hr Result Sample
Bulk-Tag Master Result Sample
It is possible to bulk-tag 24HR or Master threads without enabling the 24hr Sort. It is also possible to bulk-tag both the 24HR and Master threads at the same time. Neither workflow is recommended as it could lead to undesirable tag results.
Thread Group Tagging
When viewing a 24 Hour Thread, you can bulk-tag the entire thread by clicking the tag icon.
- From the Project Dashboard, select either review from the top menu or Review Project Metadata from the fly-out menu on the right.
- The Review Project Metadata page appears. On this page, you can perform searches and filters for specific information. In the Filters section, select TYPE to expand the list of data types. Then select Communication.
- After selecting Communication, the COMMUNICATION TYPE list appears. You can select one or more of the listed filter types. For 24 Hour Threading, you must select Chat, MMS, SMS, Text, or Group.
- Select any additional filter options, then click APPLY. Filtered results are returned in the Chronological Item List.
- On one of the items, Select the VIEW
icon. The details chart appears. Select the THREAD GROUP link to display the 24 Hour Thread.
- You now see the 24-hour thread. At the bottom of the page, click the Tag
- The Bulk Tag / Untag Thread ID options appear. Select the Tag(s) you wish to assign to the 24-hour thread. Then click EXECUTE.
- Queueing Things Up... Please Wait message appears. Then a confirmation the items have been tagged.
- Click CLOSE WINDOW to return to the Chronological Item List or RETURN TO THREAD to return to the thread and continue review of the thread.
If you need to tag individual messages, go to Tag Items Within a 24-Hour Thread.