CloudNine Discovery Portal - CloudNine Review: I received cell phone data in load file format can I load the data into CloudNine Review?

Use the CloudNine Discovery Portal to load modern data (text messages, chats, social media, calls, and voicemails) collected and provided in Load File format to CloudNine Review.

When modern data (cell phone data, group messaging, social media, etc) is collected, the investigator may provide data in a delimited load file format such as CSV or DAT file. Use the CloudNine Discovery Portal - CloudNine Review workflow to import modern data load files to CloudNine Review.  

Welcome to CloudNine Discovery Portal

The Welcome to CloudNine Discovery Portal screen is the first you see when you launch CloudNine Discovery Portal. 


  1. Under Select Data From: select File System (e.g. File Share, Hard Drive, Forensic Image, etc.)
  2. Select CloudNine Review, under the Review Data Using: section.
  3. Click Continue. 
  4. You are prompted to Log in to CloudNine Review. Enter the Email Address you use to log in to CloudNine Review. Then click Continue.
  5. Enter your Password* for CloudNine Review and click Continue. Verify Your Identity to complete the sign-on. 

    DPLogInQC-1 VerifyYourIdentity
  6. On the What kind of data are you uploading? screen, select Modern Data Load File, then click OK to advance to the Select a CloudNine Review Case screen. 


Select a CloudNine Review Case 

On the Select a CloudNine Review Case screen, you will enter the required Upload name and Select an Existing CloudNine Review Case to load data to or Create Case to create a new case project in CloudNine Review. 


  1. Upload name (required): Name given to the upload for tracking and searching. 
  2. Search Cases...: Use to search for the CloudNine Review case project. 
  3. Create Case: If the case doesn't exist in CloudNine Review you can create a case through CloudNine Discovery Portal. 
  4. Case Name list: Lists all CloudNine Review case projects you can access. 
  5. Selected: A checkmark indicates that you are loading the data for the CloudNine Review project.
  6. Next: Advances you to the next screen, Select Processed Data and Files


Important Information about Case Selection and Create Case. 

👥 The Case Name list will only show CloudNine Review projects you have been assigned Admin rights. 

✔️Before creating a New Case, check CloudNine Review and verify the project does not already exist. It may exist, but you may not have the correct permission to load data. 

📄A CloudNine Review case created through CloudNine Discovery Portal is temporary, the case is created when the data is uploaded and received by CloudNine Review. 

👥 You must have Admin or User rights to Create a new case. When the New Case is created, the user creating the case will be an Admin to that CloudNine Review project. 

💡 Develop a naming policy for your CloudNine Review Projects. An example might be Matter Number - Matter Name. 

Selecting the CloudNine Review Case

  1. Enter an Upload name for the data. 
  2. Select or Create a CloudNine Review Case.
    1. Select the existing case from the list of CloudNine Review projects. You will only see CloudNine Review projects for which you have Admin rights.
    2. Click the Create Case option to create a new case/project in CloudNine Review. In the Create New Case dialog, enter the Case Name then select the Time Zone for the new project. 
      Click Create. The new case appears under the Case Name list in italics and is selected.  The case will not be available in CloudNine Review until CloudNine Review receives the data.  
  3. Select Next to advance to Select Processed Data and Supporting Files screen. 

Select Processed Data and Supporting Files


On this screen, you will:

  1. Select the DAT load file to use to upload data to CloudNine Review. 
  2. Choose to either Load Data as New Records or Overlay Data onto Existing Records in the project. 
  3. Bypass manual loading and send data to the CloudNine Client Services team to process your data and load it to CloudNine Review.
  4. Click Next to advance to the Field Mapping screen. 

Charges may apply when data is sent to the Client Services team for loading. Please consult your sales representative or call CloudNine at 713-462-6464 to determine fees and review options.

Field Mapping

When you send data directly to CloudNine Review, you must map the load file fields to fields in CloudNine Review so the data is loaded correctly.  Click here to see a complete list of CloudNine Review fields and definitions. 


  1. Dat File Fields: Lists all fields identified in the DAT load file field. You can use the Search Dat Fields option to filter for field names in the DAT and map to the CloudNine Review Fields. Fields selected are checked and appear under the Fields Selected/Mapped section. 
  2. Dat File Fields Settings: Open to review the load file and make any changes to the Data Delimiters/Characters, Text/File Encoding, and Date format. Click OK to save the changes.
  3. Fields Selected - Not Yet Mapped: Lists the Dat File Fields selected for import and the CloudNine Review Fields into which the data will be loaded. Fields Selected - Not Yet Mapped at the top indicates the number of fields selected from the Dat File Fields and Fields that still need mapped.
  4.  Import: Use this option to import a previously saved Field Mapping Template (JSON) and automatically select and map the Dat File Fields and CloudNine Review Fields. If the field does not exist, a pop-up appears listing the Dat File Fields that can not be mapped to CloudNine Review Fields because the field needs to be added to the CloudNine Review project. 
  5. Save As: Save the fields selected/mapped to a Field Mapping Template JSON to be used for future imports. Note: User-created fields may not exist in the CloudNine Review project. When importing the Field Mapping Template, you are prompted with a list of fields that need to be created/mapped. 
  6. CloudNine Review Fields: Lists the CloudNine Review Fields available to map the Dat file fields. Reference CloudNine Review Fields and Definitions for information about fields in CloudNine Review.
  7. Auto Map: The Auto Map feature will map Dat file fields to CloudNine Review fields with the same field name or similar. When using Auto Map, always review the Dat File Fields that did not get selected during the auto map process as well as the Fields Selected/Mapped to determine what additional actions need to be made for additional field selection and mapping, existing selection/mapping modifications, and if additional fields should be created.
  8. Save Review Fields: Saves the CloudNine Review Fields in a delimited CSV file format.
  9. Create Custom Fields: Select to open the Manage CloudNine Review Custom Fields dialog. Here you can Create and Add fields to the CloudNine Review project. You can add fields one at a time, or select the Bulk Add option to import a delimited text CSV file field list.  Click OK to add the fields to CloudNine Review project. 

    Note: To Bulk Add fields to the CloudNine Review project, the delimited text file should contain these items: Field name, DisplayName, FormatType, and Scope. 
  10. Next: Select to advance to the Confirm & Upload screen. If Next is unavailable, not all selected fields have been mapped. 

For Modern Data imports, you must map the Unique ID (Control Number, Doc ID, Beg Doc, etc) to the Control ID and Communication Type field. The Communication Type field identifies the Modern Data type the data came from (Chat, SMS, MMS, Voice, etc). 

To maintain family relationships you will need to map the Parent record to the BegAttached field. 

Confirm & Upload

The Confirm & Upload screen provides information for loading into CloudNine Review.


  1. Uploading From: Summarizes the data selected for upload. Only information about the specific upload is displayed. 
    1. .DAT File: File name of the selected .DAT load file. 
    2. Upload Name: The Upload name that was entered on the Select a CloudNine Review Case screen. 
    3. Number of Records identified in the .DAT: The total number of records in the data (DAT) file. When the upload completes, this should be the number of records added to the CloudNine Review project. 
    4. Number of Mapped Fields: Number of fields selected and mapped to load the data. 
    5. Number of Native Documents Identified in the Load File: If the Native File Path is selected, the number of records with native files.
    6. Number of Text Documents Identified in the Load File: If the Text File Path is selected and mapped, it will display the number of records populated. For modern data, if this field is not selected and mapped, the value is 0, and a message will appear under "Uploading To" indicating that text files will be generated.
    7. Number of Fields Being Created in CloudNine Review: Shows the number of additional fields to be added to the CloudNine Review Project. 
  2. Uploading To: Information about the data upload to CloudNine Review. 
    1. CloudNine Review - <Project Name>: Data will be added to the selected/new project in CloudNine Review. 
    2. .DAT Field Delimiters: Load file field delimiters used to load data to fields in the project. 
    3. .DAT File Encoding: The encoding type selected for the data upload. 
    4. .DAT file Date Format: The format of the date fields in the DAT load file. 
    5. Hash and Thread IDs: Lists Thread IDs and Hash values that will be generated during the upload. This action only occurs if the Master Thread ID, 24-Hour Thread ID, and MD5 Hash fields are not selected and mapped from the load file. 
    6. Text file will be generated: If the text file path is not a selected and mapped field, text files will generated during the upload process. 
  3. Start Upload: Initializes the upload process and takes you to the Global Monitoring Console

Global Monitoring Console

The Global Monitoring Console is used to monitor the upload progress. Data is sent to CloudNine Review. Upon receipt in CloudNine Review, a series of emails are sent to the user's email address to notify when the data is received and ready for review.


Click CloudNine Discovery Portal: Global Monitoring Console for additional information.