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CloudNine Review: Do you have a list of the Metadata fields in CloudNine Review?

Metadata Field List for CloudNine Review

The table below lists the metadata fields for both traditional and modern data in CloudNine Review. 

Click CloudNine Review Metadata Field List to download or print. 

CloudNine Review Traditional and Modern Data Fields
Field Name Display Name Description Example

Data Type

Traditional Data = TD

Modern Data = MD

DocNumber CloudNine DocID Sequential number is assigned to each record loaded into a project.  1 TD
imagefilename Image Filename Name of the Image file stored in CloudNine Review.  Filename.<nativefiletype>.pdf TD
textfilename Text FileName Name of the Text file stored in CloudNine Review.  Filename.txt TD
nativefilename Native FileName Name of the Native file stored in CloudNine Review.  Filename.ntv.doc TD
fileext Native FileName Ext File extension of the native file (traditional data). For Modern Data projects, the file extension may be blank or the Communication Type.    Traditional Data: doc, msg, eml, pdf, jpeg, xls, etc.
Modern Data: SMS, MMS, etc. With Modern data, certain data types will be empty. 
_familygroupid Family Group ID The CloudNine DocID of the top-level (parent) record, applied to all members (records) of the family.   1 TD
_imagetimestamp Image created date Date and time an image is created by CloudNine Review.  4/1/2024  12:01:05 PM TD
_imageconversionerror Image Slip Sheeted  Identifies if a record has an image Slip-sheet (Placeholder) when imaging is performed in CloudNine Review.  True (checked box in UI): Is slip-sheeted.
False (empty box in UI): Is not slip-sheeted.
_edfolder Original Path Traditional Data: The batch load folder file, then Relative path to source files (edocs and loose emails) or relative path and folder path contained within a mail store.  Modern Data: This is the Upload Name. Traditional Data: TrainingDocs\ Training.pst\Inbox
Modern Data: UFDRSample, UFDRSample\files\Image
_filesize File Size Traditional Data: The size of the native file in bytes. Load file uploads must have the field and be mapped. 
Modern Data: Populated when an attachment exists and is stored. 
107194 TD
_to To Traditional Data: Main recipient(s) of an email message. 
Modern Data: Recipient(s) the communication is sent to; based on data type and how the storage is. Phone Number, Contact Name, User Name, etc.
Traditional Data: Training Training@cloudnine.com.
Modern Data Examples: 19195794674, u4acb8a2111971fc06a351db0d568fec9, 19195794674@s.whatsapp.net, hickdawg957, Josh, 19195790479@s.whatsapp.net;System Message.
_from From Traditional Data: Sender of an email message. 
Modern Data: Sender of the communication; based on the application data type. 
Traditional Data: Training training@cloudnine.com.
Modern Data: 19195794674, Private Number, u4acb8a2111971fc06a351db0d568fec9, 19195794674@s.whatsapp.net, hickdawg957
_cc CC Traditional Data: Recipients of "Carbon Copies" of the email message.  Smith, Jane <jane.smith>@cloudnine.com TD
_bcc BCC Traditional Data: Recipients of "Blind Carbon Copies" of the email message.  Smith, Jane <jane.smith>@cloudnine.com TD
_sentdate Sent Date Traditional Data: Date and time an email is sent. 
Modern Data: Date and time a communication is sent. 
4/1/2023  12:00:00 PM TD
_subject Subject Traditional Data: The Subject field value extracted from the metadata of native file.
Modern Data: Populated with a Channel name, when using some group messaging platforms. 
Note: Email message subjects are exported to the EmailSubject field.
TD: CloudNine Benefits
MD: CloudNine Team News Channel



_attachments Attachments Semi-colon-delimited list of filenames of the (top-level) attached files. Note: The attachments field is populated for the parent record.  UserGuide.pdf; HelpFile.chm; IMG_20200203_210227_390.jpg;84; IMG-7f51747d682442822f56c78aea8b9b34-V.jpg TD
_delivereddate Delivered Date Date and time  the Email message was received.  4/1/2023  12:00:00 PM


_revisionnumber Revision Number Revision number of the document found in the file system properties. 2 TD
_lastsavedby Last Saved By User who last saved or revised the document. John Smith


_lastprinteddate Last Printed Date Date and time the document was last printed. 4/1/2023  12:00:00 PM TD
_lastsaveddate Last Saved Date The last save date and time extracted from the metadata of the native file during analysis.  4/1/2023  12:00:00 PM TD
_createddate Created Date File creation date and time extracted from the metadata of the native file during analysis. 4/1/2023  12:00:00 PM TD
_modifieddate Modified Date Last modified date and time extracted from the metadata of the native file during analysis. 4/1/2023  12:00:00 PM TD
_author Author Author field value extracted from the metadata of the native file during analysis. John Smith TD
_uploadname Upload Name The Upload Name assigned in CloudNine Discovery Portal for Production/Processed data. Native/Raw data:  Upload Name field is empty. 
Processed/Produced data: Populated with Upload Name inputted in CloudNine Discovery Portal. For Example, Upload001.
UFDR: Upload Name is the UFDR file name. For Example: ESIA_Google_Pixel. 
_dateuploaded Upload Date Date uploaded into CloudNine Review. 
Note: The Upload Date field is populated when loading Processed/Produced or UFDR data
4/1/2024  12:00:00 AM TD
_nativemd5hash Native MD5 Hash MD5 hash value generated when uploading through CloudNine Discovery Portal.  F99E31814864692B6BDD6C10C30B5A55E5AFD4E8


_conversationthreadid Conversation Thread ID Microsoft-specific value used for tracking position of an email within a conversation. This value is used during the process of email threading. 0101CF602E916BDDE035F5FB3D47A8D8D2 D6F92CC769 TD
_bocred OCRed Indicates if the record was OCR'd during processing. True (checked box in UI): Was OCR'd
False (empty box in UI): Was not OCR'd
exportnumber ExportNumber (Control Number) Unique ID assigned to each record load into a project. Can be self-assigned by the user with modern data workflows.  E0010000001 TD
edaid EdaID Unique value for each record in a CloudNine processing system - assigned by CloudNine™ Explore during analysis. 1 TD
guid GUID Global unique identifier for a document. F99E31814864692B6BDD6C10C30B5A55E5AFD4E8 TD
custodian Custodian Custodian value assigned during the upload in CloudNine Discovery Portal. John Smith TD
attachparent AttachParent Export numbers of the parent document and the last attachment in the family, separated by a hyphen. Field is empty for records that are not part of a parent/attachment relationship. E0010000005 TD
attachlist AttachList Populated for parent records only, this field contains a semi-colon-delimited list of export numbers for the parent and each attachment record.  E0010000005, E0010000006 TD
attachrange AttachRange Export numbers of the parent document and the last attachment in the family, separated by a hyphen. Field is empty for records that are not part of a parent/attachment relationship. E0010000005 -E0010000006 TD
emailsubject EmailSubject Subject line from the email message. FW: CloudNine Training Schedule TD
convid ConvId Microsoft-specific value used to identify an e-mail conversation. 01CF5D946F4EFD65607202 TD
tmsent TmSent The sent time of the message. 3:48:53 PM TD
tmcreated TmCreated File creation time extracted from the metadata of the native file during analysis. 3:48:53 PM TD
tmlastmod TmLastMod Last modified time extracted from the metadata of the native file during analysis. 3:48:53 PM TD
tmreceived TmReceived Time the email message was received. 3:48:53 PM TD
filedescript FileDescript File type description of native file (provided by third-party file identification engine). MS Excel 2007-2010 Spreadsheet (Open XML) TD
application Application Application used to create the document. Microsoft Office PowerPoint TD
comments Comments Comments field value extracted from the metadata of the native file. Paragraph needs updated info. TD
dupcustnames DupCustNames Names of the custodians containing duplicate versions of the original record. Populated for parent duplicates/original records only. Jane Smith TD
location Location Contents of the Location metadata field extracted during analysis. John's Office TD
msgclass MsgClass Indicates the item/entry type in the mail store. IPM.Note TD
organization Organization Organization or Company value retrieved from the metadata properties of the document. CloudNine  TD
revision Revision Number Revision number of the document found in the file system properties. 2 TD
title Title Title field value extracted from the metadata of the native file. CloudNine™ Explore Manual TD
originalfilename OriginalFileName The name of the native file.  E-doc Example: TrainingManual.docx
E-mail Example: Training Opportunities.msg
Message Example: mms_txt.txt
hasattach HasAttach Indicates whether a record has attachments or not. True (check box): The record has attachments. 
False (not checked): The record does not have attachments. 
isattachment IsAttachment Indicates the record is an attachment. True (check box): The record is an attachment.
False (not checked): The record is not an attachment.
hasduplicate HasDuplicate Indicates there is at least one identical document loaded previously. True (check box): There is at least one identical document in the project.
False (not checked): The record does not have any duplicates. 
isduplicate IsDuplicate Indicates if the record is a duplicate of another record in the case. True (check box): The record is a duplicate of a record previously loaded.
False (not checked): The record is not a duplicate.
isemail IsEmail Indicates whether the native file was recognized as an email message during import. True (check box): The record is identified as an email.
False (not checked): The record is not an email.
isemailatt IsEmailAtt Indicates if the document is an attachment to an email.  True (check box): The record is identified as an attachment to an email.
False (not checked): The record is not an email attachment.
convtopic ConvTopic Normalized subject of emails. Priorities for 2013 TD
et_inclusive ET_Inclusive Flags a minimal set of emails which can be viewed in order to read the email message thread's entire conversation. In the simplest case this will simply be the last message in the thread, since it will quote all the previous messages. True (check box): Inclusive 
False (not checked): Not Inclusive
et_increason ET_IncReason If ET_Inclusive field is set to Yes or 1, ET_InclusiveReason field indicates why the email is inclusive. If the email message contains message content that is not copied in any of its subsequent replies or forwards, Message is displayed. If the email message has attachments that are not included in any of its subsequent replies or forwards, Attachment is displayed. If the email message has both new message content and new attachments not included in any of its subsequent replies or forwards, Message, Attachment is displayed. If ET_Inclusive field is set to N, ET_InclusiveReason field is blank. Possible values:
Message, Attachment
et_indent Et_Indent Indicates the indent level of the email message in relation to the first email in the email thread associated with the email message. Possible values:
0=First email in the email thread
1=Replies to first email
2=Replies to replies to first email
3=Replies to replies to replies to first email...and so on.
et_ismessage ET_IsMessage Indicates whether the document was recognized as an email message. True (check box): Identified as an email. 
False (not checked): Not an email.
et_messageid ET_MessageID Unique ID that is assigned to each message. If several documents have the same Message ID, it is because they were recognized as separate copies of the same email message. ex: 00000001 TD
et_parentid ET_ParentID The immediate parent of the current email in the thread. For the first message, this will be blank. For each subsequent one, it will be the EdaId / InventoryItems. ID (padded with zeroes to make eight characters) of the email which it replies to or is a forward of. For attachments, ET_ParentID indicates the email to which it is attached. ex: 00000013 TD
et_threadid ET_ThreadID A unique ID assigned to each message thread. ex: 00000004 TD
et_thrdindex ET_ThrdIndex Composed of a base ID, plus a unique number for each message within the thread, and if there are attachments, the letter A plus the unique number for the attachment within the thread. For example, A1, A2, A3. Uses the format: [base ID].[unique number for message]. A[unique attachment number]. The base ID is the same as the thread ID without the leading zeros. The thread index for the root message of the thread will just be this. ex: TD
et_thrdsize ET_ThrdSize The total number of unique messages in the thread. ex: 7 TD
et_thrdsort Et_ThrdSort A sort order which follows the chain of conversation, from first message to most recent. If a conversation splits into multiple branches, ET_ThreadSort will keep each of the branches together. ex: 1 TD
nd_ismaster ND_IsMaster Indicates whether the document is the master document.
Within a family, the master document is the one with the greatest overall similarity to all the other documents in the family. It has to be a near-duplicate of every other document in the family.
Note: Documents not part of a near-duplicate family will also have a Y (Yes) value in the field.
Note: If a master document in a set of near-duplicate documents is deleted, all documents assigned to the near-duplicate set are released, and will be reassigned the next time the near-duplicate analysis process runs.
True (check box): Identified as the master record.  
False (not checked): Not a master.
nd_master ND_Master CloudNine™ ID of the master of the document’s near-duplicate family. 2 TD
nd_score ND_Score Displays the percentage of similarity between the document and its master document.

Within a family, the master document is the one with the greatest overall similarity to all the other documents in the family. It has to be a near-duplicate of every other document in the family.
85, 100 TD
beg bates Beg Bates The unique starting number of a document created from an external source. Used with a load file import through  CloudNine Discovery Portal. ABC00001 TD
end bates End Bates Unique ending number of a document generated from an external source. ABC00002 TD
beg attached Beg Attached Starting document number of a family group.  When uploading through CloudNine Discovery Portal used to establish family groups. ABC00001



end attached End Attached Starting number of the last document in the family.  ABC00004 TD
call_duration Call Duration Modern Data: Length of the call in hours, minutes, seconds (01:10:02). 1:10:02 AM MD
communication_type Communication Type Modern Data: The type of communication. Call, VoiceMail, Chat, Attachment, SMS, MMS, etc.  MD
date_time_last_accessed Date Time Last Accessed Date and time a message was last accessed. 4/1/2024  12:00:00 AM MD
deleted Deleted Identifies if a message is deleted. True: The message has been deleted. 
False: Message is not deleted. 
imei Imei International Mobile Equipment Identity 356303481863460 MD
status Status Status of communication.  Voice Calls: Voicemail, Established, Missed, Unknown, Cancelled
Message Communication: Read, Sent, Unread, Default
utc_date_time_stamp UTC Date Time Stamp Date and time of the message or chat in UTC format. 4/1/2024  1:00:22 AM MD
utc_time_stamp UTC Time Stamp Time of the message or chat in UTC format. 1:20:22 AM MD
evidence_source_container Evidence Source Container Name of the Device or Source provided during the CloudNine Discovery Portal upload.  John Smith iPhone 11S  MD
dailythreadid 24 Hour Thread ID A Unique Identifier assigned to all messages with the same participants sent on the same day, based on your project timezone.  35494b10eb4a32569913aa2ff39190e1 MD
masterthreadid Master Thread ID A Unique Identifier assigned to all messages with the same participants for the entire conversation.  afe9257c4a8986b0afc156d02128ab0a MD
contactto Contact To The contact name and phone number for all recipients. John Smith <13451235678>;Jane Smith <14676730923> MD
contactfrom Contact From The contact name and phone number for the sender. John Smith <13451235678> MD
message Message The text of the extracted record for messages and chats. Call me. MD
_imagepagecount C9 Page Count Number of pages in a document generated by CloudNine Review's imaging services.  5 TD
production beg bates Production BegBates The last starting Bates number used on a record when completing a  Self Service Production. PROD_00000101 TD
production end bates Production EndBates The last ending Bates number used on a record when completing a Self Service Production. PROD_00000105 TD
PROD_UniqueID PROD_Unique ID Unique Production ID assigned to all records in a production set when completing a Self-Service production.  PROD_1687 TD
  User Created Custom field(s) Custom fields created by the user.  Confidential Designation, HotDoc, Produce TD