Import body field content
For all metadata types there is a field that allows you to import text values into a "body" field. To understand which field this is in correlation to your metadata type, please review our list of metadata types we import. Depending on metadata type, this may be the text value of a message, the details of a transaction or something similar. These fields are indexed and their content searched using the search features of CloudNine Analyst that include Boolean expressions and other search parameters such as wildcards and proximity.
For many of the metadata types this field can be imported as plain text or with simple HTML markup. For example, if there is formatting involved in the content of a message that you wish to preserve CloudNine Analyst supports simple HTML markup using the following HTML tags:
- a
- em
- strong
- cite
- blockquote
- code
- ul
- ol
- li
- dl
- dt
- dd
- h1
- h2
- h3
- h4
- h5
- h6
- p
- div
- sup
- br
Note that any other HTML tags will be stripped from the text as well as any embedded styles, fonts or other markups.
Dealing with large Content fields
Many metadata types may have large content fields, such as a message body of an email. These quickly become cumbersome to include in a load file given their size and data volume. Often times they also may include various special characters that can cause a load file to encounter issues, such as line breaks or carriage returns. To avoid these issues, the content can be ingested via a separate text file. However, in order for the text file to be ingested into the desired item, the text file containing the content MUST be named after the control number of the item and uploaded to the corresponding evidence container to which your import is related.
For example, the line in your load file that contains the metadata related to the item should have a preassigned control number. This control number should then correlate directly to the .txt file you upload that contains the body content of the message. So if the line in your load file has a control number of ABC-00000123, your text file should be named as ABC-00000123.txt. This can be uploaded to a subfolder within the evidence container.