CloudNine Review: Can I Produce/Export Documents and Data?

Handle your exports/productions with CloudNine Review's Self Service Production Tool.

The Self Service Production tool allows you to export documents and data in several forms. The Self Service Production is built to handle most eDiscovery production requests.  Through Self Service Production you can export/produce: 

  • Images in PDF or TIFF format
  • Native Files
  • Text Files
  • 24-Hour Threads
  • Metadata
  • Load Files

In this article, the terms export and produce are used interchangeably. 

If you have a unique request or limited resources and time, our Client Services team is always happy to help. Contact Client Services at 713-462-6464 to discuss your production needs and associated fees. 

Accessing Self Service Production 

  1. On the CloudNine Review menu at the top right of the screen, locate and click on Tools to expand the Tools menu.  
  2. In the Downloads/Productions section, select Self Service Production.
    The CloudNine Review Production screen opens. 

👥You must have Export Rights to access Self Service Production. If Self Service Production is not listed under the Tools menu, contact your CloudNine Review Administrator. 

CloudNine Review Production

The CloudNine Review Production screen provides several options for production.


  1. Production Templates: Save and select Production Templates, reducing setup time and ensuring consistent productions. 
  2. Produce Image: Includes images in the export.
  3. Produce Native: Includes native files in the export. 
  4. Sort Export: Set a custom sort order based on a selected field. 
  5. Produce Text: Includes text files in the export. 
  6. Produce 24-HR Threads: Enabled, this option produces modern data chats and messages in a 24-hour thread view. 
  7. Export Name: Name the export based on your naming policy and production scope. 
  8. Produce Metadata:  Select the data load file format, DAT, CSV, and/or XML to produce metadata, then choose the metadata fields to be produced. 
  9. Exclusions: Exclude records from the production based on the selected tag(s). When producing 24-HR threads, additional options appear under the Produce 24-HR Threads section for excluding the tagged data item. 
  10. Rename to: Renames the filename to the selected identifier. 
  11. Start Production: Submits the production. You will receive an email when the production is completed and is ready for download.  
  12. Cancel: Cancels the production and closes the CloudNine Review Production screen.

Self Service Production Settings

The scope of your project and production will help identify the settings needed. This section provides details for each production setting listed above. Click the link to go directly to the setting. 

Production Templates

Self Service Production Templates allow you to save production settings for reuse in the future. This feature saves time when preparing productions and can help ensure consistent production results.

Create Self Service Production Templates

It is recommended that you select all of your production settings before you create a Production Template. This will avoid having to update the template after settings are changed. 

Production Templates is the first setting on the Self Service Production screen. 


  1. Set the Export Settings based on the project's production requirements. 
  2. Click Create next to the Select Template drop-down. The Create Production Template screen opens.
    New Production Template-1
  3. Name: Enter a Name for the template, up to 50 characters. The only allowed special characters are -(hyphen) and _(underscore).
  4. Description (optional): Enter an optional Description of up to 100 characters.
  5. Click Save to save the Production Template
A message indicates the template is created, then you are returned to the Self-Service Production screen. The newly created template is selected and appears in the Select Template drop-down. 

Selecting a Production Template

On the CloudNine Review Production screen, under Production Templates, click the drop-down to select the desired template. Once selected, the Production settings are updated with the settings for the template selected. 


Edit a Production Template 

If you need to make changes to a production template, you will use the Update option. 

  1. Select the desired production template. 
  2. Make necessary changes to the production settings. 
  3. Click Update to save the setting changes to the selected production template. 

The Update button becomes available if a template is selected and you make any changes to the production settings for the template. You must click Update to save any production setting changes to the selected template.

Create Copy

The Create Copy option is used to copy a selected Production Template. This option is often used to create a client-specific production template. You start with a standard template, then copy and make production setting changes based on the client's production scope. 

  1. Select a Production Template. 
  2. Click Create Copy.
  3. Enter a Name and Description, then click Save.
The copied template is now selected with all production settings from the original template.  Make any production setting changes, then click Update to save the changes. 

Manage Templates

Select Manage Template in the top right of the Production Templates section. 

Manage TemplatesThe Manage Production Templates screen appears. Here you can:  Search for a template, View template details by clicking on the template name, and Edit or Delete templates. Deleted Templates appear in red. If desired, select the UnDelete option to restore a deleted template.

Manage Templates1

Produce Image

Select Produce Image to include images in your production. Selecting Produce Image expands production settings specific to exporting images.

📄CloudNine Review will image any records that do not have an existing image. 


Produce Annotations: If selected, Annotations will be embedded on the produced image. 

Produce Redactions: Selected, Redactions are burned onto the produced image. Images with Redactions will automatically be re-OCRd and the corresponding text file updated. 

Excel Imaging Options: Determines how Excel files are imaged if an image does not exist for the document. One of two options may be selected: 

  • Create a slip sheet for all Excel files (default). 
  • Image all Excel files. 

Image Filetype: Select the image format for the produced images. With CloudNine Review you can export your images as Multi-Page PDF, Single or Multi-page TIFF, or Single Page JPG. Images can be in black and white, color, or mixed outputs. 

  • PDF Multi Page: Produces all pages in the document as a single PDF file. (One document with ten pages creates a PDF with ten pages inside it).
  • TIFF Single Page (B&W): Produces each page of a document as a single black and white TIFF file. (One document with ten pages creates ten single-page TIFF files).  
  • JPG Single Page (Color): Each page of a document is produced as an individual color JPEG file (One document with ten pages creates ten single-page Color JPG files). 
  • TIFF/JPG Single Page (Mixed): Produces each page of a document as a single page black and white TIFF, or if the page has color as single page color JPG. (One document with ten pages will have ten separate files, black and white pages will be TIFF and color pages will be JPG). 
  • TIFF Multi-Page (B&W): Produces all pages in the document as a black and white TIFF file. (A record with a page count of ten creates one TIFF file with ten pages inside it). 
  • TIFF Multi-Page (Color): Produces all pages in the document as a color TIFF file. (One record containing ten pages creates a Color TIFF file with ten pages inside it). 
  • TIFF Multi-Page (Mixed): Produces all pages in the document as a TIFF file with both black and white and color TIFF files. (One record with ten pages creates a one TIFF file with ten pages inside it). 

An LFP and OPT load file is generated for single-page exports. For multi-page exports, an OPT load file is generated. 

Add produced image back into the project: Selected by default, this option adds a copy of the produced image back into the project.

Endorsements: Use Endorsements to burn (brand) information onto an image, such as a Confidential statement or Unique Bates Number. 


There are six locations for Endorsements, Top Left, Top Middle, Top Right, Bottom Left, Bottom Middle, and Bottom Right. In addition to locations, there are three categories of Endorsements: Endorse With Label, Endorse With Field, and Unique Identifier Label.  

Endorse With Label: Input text into any of the six locations. Every page will be branded with the inputted text. For example, CONFIDENTIAL. 

Endorse with Field: Brands the images with the value from a field. All pages within a document are branded with the same value. 

Behavior of Field Types

  • Yes/No: If the field is populated with yes, the name of the field is stamped on the image. 
  • Date: Any date value in the field is burnt on the image.
  • Text: The image is branded with any text in the selected field. 
  • Number: Endorses a number value on the image.
  • Select: Brands the image with the selected value.
  • Multi-Select: Multi-select fields are NOT SUPPORTED with endorsements.

Unique Identifier Label and Position: The unique identifier label is also known as the "Bates Label". Enabling this feature, allows you to endorse a unique incremental number to each page produced. The Unique Identifier is set in the Rename To section.

Produce Native

Native files may be exported in original format, with or without images. If the Produce Native option is selected, an additional option for producing natives becomes available. You can choose to Produce Natives for Placeholders Only when Produce Image is selected. 


Sort Export

Select Sort Export to sort your documents by values in a selected field. Once Enabled, choose a Sort by Field and Sort Order. When a sort order is enabled, records are exported by the selected Sort Field and then CloudNine DocID. Family relationships are maintained. 


Important Notes on Sort Export

  • When implementing a Sort, records are sorted by the selected field in ascending or descending order, then by the CloudNine DocID. The CloudNine DocID is always in ascending order.
  • Sort behavior for tag field. 
    • Ascending Order: Sorts No (False) first. 
    • Descending Order: Sorts Yes (True) first. 
  • Empty (Null) values will be at the end of the production.

Produce Text

Select Produce Text to include exporting corresponding text files. Any documents redacted are re-OCR'd at the time of production and text is replaced to remove the redacted content. PRODTEXT

Produce 24-HR Threads

If producing Modern Data, specifically chats and text messages, you can produce 24-HR threads. 


  1. Enable the Produce 24-HR Threads option. 
  2. Once selected, two output formats are available: 
    1. Produce in HTML (default selection), and
    2. Produce in PDF

         Click the box to select/de-select the format(s) for producing 24-Hour Threads.

If producing 24 HR threads, the chats and text messages are exported into a folder that contains files with data items within a 24 HR conversation.  

Export Name

A common practice is to include an Export Name for the production. This helps to track, report, and organize productions. Select Export Name and then input a name for the export.  


Produce Metadata 

Select Produce Metadata to expand options specific to including metadata in an export.


  1. Produce Metadata: Select to include Metadata in the production. Once selected, you will choose the output file types(s) and fields for production. 
  2. Produce Files: Select the load file format(s) to export the metadata fields.
    1. CSV: Selected, exports using the standard Field Separator: Comma (,) and Text Separator: Quote(")
    2. DAT: Similar to a CSV file, exports using industry-standard separators Field Separator: 020 () and Text Separator: 254 (þ).
    3. XML: Metadata fields are exported to an XML format. 
  3. Produce Fields: System and Custom fields in the CloudNine Review database are listed and can be selected or deselected. Common fields used in productions are selected by default. Click the box next to a field to either include or exclude a field.
    1. Select the Clear All box to clear any selected metadata fields. 
    2. Use the Select All box to select all metadata fields. 


Exclude records by selected Tag(s). When a tag is selected, records tagged yes (true) are excluded from the production. 

ExclusionsTo Exclude tagged items: 

  1. In the Exclusions section, click the box to enable the Exclusions options. 
  2. Exclude Selected Tags from Production lists all boolean tags created in the project. Click the checkbox next to the tag(s) you wish to exclude. 
  3. If Produce 24-Hour Threads and Exclusions are selected, additional options appear under the Produce 24-Hour Threads section. Here you can choose one of the three options for the excluded thread items. Choices are:
    1. Remove Messages with Excluded Tags: Remove the entire data message from the thread output.
    2. Use Excluded Tag Name as Placeholder Text: The Tag name is inserted where the data item appears in the exported 24-Hour Thread View.
    3. Use Custom Text as Placeholder Text: Selected, you can enter the text you wish to display in the thread output. 


Rename To

The Rename To section identifies how the files produced are named. There are three options: 

  • Do Not Rename: The produced documents will be named by the value in the NativeFilename, ImageFileName, and TextFilename fields. To avoid duplicate numbering, this method is not recommended for Native files. 
  • CloudNine Doc ID: Produces the documents, naming them by the CloudNine DocID
  • Unique Identifier: Use a Unique Identifier to provide a unique numbering scheme; each page is incremented by one. A Unique Identifier helps to ensure there are no duplicates or gaps in the numbering. Once selected, you can set a Prefix, Starting Number, and Length

Rename To

    • Unique Identifier Prefix: Starting characters for each page in the unique numbering, PRODUCE-00000001.
    • Starting Number: The number you are starting the production sequence. If this is your first production, you would normally start at 1 (PRODUCE-0000001). If producing a second or third set of documents and the Prefix remains the same, the number should start at the next sequential number (PRODUCE-00000011). Note: Always verify the next available number before you begin to ensure duplicates or gaps in numbering are not encountered.
    • Unique Identifier Length: Leading zeros or zero padding is used to help maintain the order of produced documents. A Unique Identifier Length of 8 is common (PRODUCE-00000001).

Start Production

Your production settings have been selected and verified, it is now time to start the production. Click Start Production. The CloudNine Review Production confirmation screen appears. If a template was used and changes were made, you can click Update Template to save the changes to the template. Or, click Continue to proceed without updating the template. 

StartProductionIf a template is not selected, only the Continue and Cancel options are available. Select Continue. A second CloudNine Review Production confirmation screen provides a summary of the production. 

ProductionSummaryConfirmationClick Continue to proceed. 

A final message appears and indicates that the production has started. 

ProductionStartClick Close and wait for an email notification when the production completes. In the meantime, you can continue reviewing documents.


To Cancel a production, select Cancel at the bottom of the CloudNine Review Production screen or the CloudNine Review Production confirmation screen. You are returned to your selected view page. 

Manage Your Exports/Productions

Click here to learn how to manage productions.