CloudNine Review: Does CloudNine Review have a quick search option?

Use CloudNine Review's Quick Search option to search full text either from All Records, Advance Search Results, or Current Results.

You can use the Quick Search option to enter search terms in CloudNine Review. Once your current search results are returned, you can continue to filter the Current Records by adding additional search terms. 

Quick Search 

The Quick Search option is centered at the top of the page on each view: Vertical Document List, Tree, and Table. 


  • (1) Search Current Records: Enter search terms to search within the current record set. Standard boolean, proximity, and stemming logic are supported along with wildcards. For additional information, click CloudNine Review Full Text Syntax Guide
  • (2) Search: Initializes the search against current record results. 
  • (3) Include Families: Enabled, the entire family relationship is returned.
  • (4) View All Records: Resets your current search results to all records in the project. 

Executing a Search

  1. On the View of your choice, enter a Search Term(s) in the Search Current Records area. 
  2. If you wish families to be returned in the results, click to select the box next to Include Families. 
  3. Click Search


Search Results in Vertical Doc List View

Records are returned that fit the search criteria you inputted. 


  • (1) Document List and hit count: Provides a list of documents and the number of hits found in the document. When the Include Families option is enabled records with hits have a star next to them. 
  • (2) Current Search Parameters: Lists the current search parameters. The list can be used to toggle to a previous search. 
  • (3) Document Count of Search/Filter results: Total number of records found in the current search results. Use the View All Records option to clear search/filter results and see all records in the project. 


💡Important Notes about Quick Search

✔️The Quick Search feature searches on the Current Records results.

✔️After running an Advanced Search, you can further search your results using the Quick Search option. 

✔️Use the View All Records option to return to all documents in the project.