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  3. Print Queue Management

Viewing the Windows Print Queue

Viewing Windows 10 Print Queue Management

  1. To view the current list of jobs in the windows print queue, right-click the windows button on the bottom left in the toolbar and click 'Run'.

  2. Then type ‘control printers’ and select 'OK'.

    Windows 10 Print Queue Management Image 1
  3. The Devices & Printers window will open. In this example, we are printing using the Law Image Driver 300 DPI virtual device. Locate the Law Image Driver print device, right-click on it, and select ‘See what’s printing’.

    Windows 10 Print Queue Management Image 2
  4. The current list of print jobs the spooler service has queued for printing is displayed. If a job is stuck, sometimes you can right-click and choose cancel. The jobs in queue should clear out automatically once finished and manual intervention should not be required.


    However, if you have cancelled a process or print job in LAW and it hasn’t cleared the windows print queue, even after cancelling it from the queue window and rebooting or restarting LAW, you can clear it manually following the steps below.

    a. Right-click the Windows button on the bottom left of the toolbar, and click 'Run'.

    b. Type "msc" and select 'OK'.
    Windows 10 Print Queue Management Image 3

    c. Look for the Print Spooler service, right-click, and select 'Restart'.
    Windows 10 Print Queue Management Image 4
    d. Check the print queue and see if the job cleared. If not, proceed to next steps.

    e. Go back to the services window, right-click on 'Print Spooler' service, and select 'Stop'.

    f. Browse to the following folder: C:\Windows\System32\Spool\PRINTERS.

    g. Delete everything inside the PRINTERS folder.
    Windows 10 Print Queue Management Image 5
    h.  Go back to the services window and right-click on 'Print Spooler' service, and select 'Start'.

    i. Stuck print jobs are removed and cleared out manually. You can resume printing normally.





Published by: Wayne Bristol