Persistent Highlights

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Persistent Highlights are words that have been determined to be highly important within the database and should not be overlooked. Adding terms to the Persistent Highlights section will ensure the terms are automatically highlighted and easy to locate within the document viewer.

  1. Click the “Advanced Search” button
  2. Select the Persistent Highlights tab from the left side of the screen
  3. Type the word “Term” into the Highlight textbox, then click the Add Term button . The term is then automatically enabled and added to the Persistent Highlighting
  4. Once the terms have been successfully added to the Persistent Highlighting list, choose to enable, disable or delete individual terms or all terms simultaneously by following the steps below.
  • Locate the term inside the Persistent Highlighting list.
  • The enable/disable icon is displayed to the left of each term. By default, terms are automatically enabled and will display a minus sign icon once they are added. Clicking the minus sign icon will disable that term and change the icon to a plus sign icon .
  • Use the Disable All and Enable All buttons located in the bottom left corner to apply mass actions across all terms contained in the list.
  • To delete a specific term, click the X icon to the right of the term. Clicking the “Clear All” Icon  located at the bottom right corner will clear all Persistent Highlight terms that have been added to this database.