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  2. CloudNine Review
  3. Section 5: Administrative Functions

Image Backfill Request Form

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The Images Backfill Request Form is available for users to submit an image request for a subset of documents or the entire database. The form is located inside the Training & Support section at the top of the database. An email is sent once the images have been created and loaded into the database.

  • Name: The name of the user requesting images
  • Email: The email address of the user requesting images
  • Phone: Phone number associated to the user account
  • Company Name: The user’s company name
  • Tag Field Name: Select a specific Tag Field name for the documents requiring images. Select the Entire Project option if all documents in the database require images.
  • Format: Selecting Image BackFill checkbox will create tiff images from the native files and adds the image tab to your project.
  • Excel File Options: Placeholder for Excels creates a placeholder image for all Excel document. The Image All option creates images for all file types.
  • Notes: This section is used to communicate custom instructions or details that pertain to this image request.
  • Submit Request: Submits the imaging request to begin the imaging process