How to archive Concordance data

The steps listed in this article illustrate one method of archiving Concordance data using exported DAT and OPT load files, exported document-level text files, and image and native files in their current locations.

Concordance database holds data in a proprietary format that is not accessible by other applications. 

It is best practice to export data to files kept outside Concordance that can be read by simple tools like a text editor, or imported into other applications that recognize Concordance load files. 


Things to consider when archiving Concordance data:

  • Should tags be included in the archive?
  • Should tag history be included in the archive?
  • Are images associated with the database and what viewer is in use? Can the images be archived from their current location, or do they need to be “produced” to a new location or structure?
  • Are there native files associated with the database?


Your situation may vary, so extreme care should be taken to ensure your archive includes all that it needs and can be used in the future, if necessary.


It is recommended that you create a checklist customized to your particular situation and guides you through the export steps, especially if you are archiving multiple databases. Consider recording the number of records, images, native and text files in your checklist and include the name of the Image field and in what format the date fields are exported. A field list with brief definitions might also be helpful. Save a copy of your checklist with your archive.


  1. Back-up all database files. Some of the below steps involve modifying the current database and best practice to back-up database files before making any modifications.

  2. Determine Image field. This field ties the DAT and OPT load files together and may be the same as the native or text file names. It is checked under File > Modify.

  3. Assure there is a field to hold tags or create one.
    - If a field exists, search it to assure that it is blank for all records, if not, create a new field.
    - If a new field is created, Index the database. (Full index, not Re-index) 

  4. Open *-Notes.DCB file with Concordance.
    - If tags are present in the Notes database, close the Notes database and use Issue2tag CPL to convert issue tags to document tags.

  5. Run the Tag to Field Utility to populate tags in your tags field. Select a delimiter that is not used in any tag names, e.g. pipe. The utility is under Tools > Manage Tags/Issues…

  6. Export all records to a delimited file (DAT) omitting text/OCR fields. Export field names as the header row of the file.

  7. Search secondary text fields to confirm they are not populated.
    - If secondary text fields are populated, their content needs to be appended to the text file exported from the primary text field. 
  8.  Use Export OCR CPL selecting primary text field and naming the output files for the Image field.

  9.  Export an OPT file from the Imagebase. For Concordance Image, open the viewer and use the Tools > Export imagbase to log file option. For Concordance Native Viewer and Concordance Viewer, use the File > Administration > Imagebase Management > Export CIB to OPT Format option.


Other data potentially present but not covered in these steps:

  • Notes database entries
  • Produced images
  • Image mark-ups e.g. redactions
  • Authority lists
  • Tag history