CloudNine Training Videos
Did You Know?
CloudNine Analyst
CloudNine Review
- CloudNine Review Video Library
- Section 1: Getting Started
- Getting Started: My Projects
- Section 2: Understanding Different Views
- Section 3: Searching
- Section 3A. Smart Filters
- 3b: Search Term Lists
- Section 4: Working with Documents
- Generating Images
- Automated PII Redaction
- Exporting/Producing
- Section 5: Administrative Functions
- Reporting
- Frequently Asked Questions and Issues
CloudNine Discovery Portal
Concordance Desktop
On Premise Software Q&A
CloudNine Analyst: How can I Cancel and Restart a Project?
How can I Cancel and Restart a Project?
If you want to cancel a project after you have already clicked “Process,” select the “Cancel” button right next to it. The cancellation may take a moment to process. Once the cancellation is complete, you can add a new evidence container and begin a new import to said container.