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CloudNine Review: What options are available on the Project (Database) Main Page?

CloudNine Review Database (Project) Main Page

The Database (Project) Main Page is a small part of the page not dominated by the current view. In this article, we will identify what appears on the main project page, regardless of the selected view. Refer to Section 2: Understanding Different Views to learn about the views available in CloudNine Review.

Project Database Main Page Features


All views display the Menu bar at the very top of the page, the menu options you see will depend on your user level and rights for the project. Below the menu bar you will see the Project (database) Name, Quick Search, and Advanced Search options. Next is View selection, Smart Filters, Document States, Review Tools, and Field Information. Finally, at the bottom of the page is the active search and number of documents

The Project Database main page features are described below. 

  1. CloudNine Review Button: Click to return to the My Projects (Home) page. 
  2. Projects: Available for Admin users only. Update or Maintain a project to include Enrolling/Inviting users, assigning Rights, Fields available for the user, and assigning Hot Keys to tags.  
  3. Users: Available for Admin users only. Add or Update Users to the project or other projects.
  4. Activity: Track specific activities related to the project.
    1. Legal Hold: Email and track Legal Hold notifications to parties involved in the legal matter.
    2. Productions: Track and download productions created in CloudNine Review projects. 
  5. Training & Support: Provides several menu options for the user. 
    1. FAQ: Launches the CloudNine Review Knowledge Base. 
    2. Contact Support: Email the CloudNine Review support team. 
    3. My Discovery Queue: Monitors the status of your imports and productions (exports).
    4. Image Backfill Request Form: Submit a request to CloudNine's Client Services Team for imaging.
    5. Production Request Form: If you want CloudNine's Client Services Team to create a production, complete the Production Request Form and submit it via the Production Request Form. 
  6. Saved Searches: Access searches saved as Local (available to you) or Global (available to all users) in a project. 
  7. Tools: Drop-down menu of tools available in the project. You must have user rights to the feature for it to appear under the Tools menu. Available Tools are: 
    1. Modify Fields: Create Custom Fields at the Local or Global level. 
    2. Image on The Fly: Image Current Document or Current Search. 
    3. Downloads/Productions: Download a document (Quick download) or perform a Self Service Production. 
    4. Tags: Group tag documents within the view results. 
    5.  Reports: Review important information about the project, including Analytics, Event Logs, and Metadata reports. 
    6. Views: Select one of three different viewing options. Sort records on a specific field. 
  8. User name: The name established when your account is created. Select Home to return to the My Projects page. Choose Account to see Contact Information, Productions, and Reports. Logout of the CloudNine Review platform. 
  9. Project/Database name you currently have open. 
  10. Quick Search: Run a quick-term search on the current record set. 
  11. Include: When running a quick search, include any of the available.  
  12. View All Records: Select to release search and filter results and return to all records in the database. 
  13. Advanced Search: Click to go to the Advanced Search Builder. 
  14. View Options: Select to view documents in one of three views: Verticle Doc List, Native Tree View, or Table View. 
  15. Smart Filters: Filter your documents by metadata field values. 
  16. Document States: Each tab is a different document state for the record. These may include Image, Native, Text, HTML, and Produced image.
  17. Reviews Tools: Provides tools and changing icons to help during the review process. 
  18. Metadata fields: Displays User and System Fields. 
  19. Current search criteria of the records being reviewed. 
  20. Number of Documents in the active search results.